Are you leaving the UA?

Official Leaving the UA HR Page: Read More

The University of Arizona offers multiple plans to help employees create a financially secure retirement. Review the options here.

If you are close to retirement  or planning to retire, consider scheduling an individual retirement consultation with a Human Resources retirement advisor.

Retiree Accumulated Sick Leave: Read More

Employees in certain employment categories will be paid for accumulated vacation/annual leave hours in a lump sum, not to exceed the amount earned in one year prorated by FTE. For example, 1.0 FTE is a maximum vacation payout of 176 hours or .50 FTE is a maximum vacation payout of 88 hours.  There are some categories which do not pay out leave accruals such as Postdoctoral Scholars under UHAP, Chapter 12, or Administrative under UHAP, Chapter 5. Please check your employment policy to learn more about applicable leave payouts: Classified Staff Policy 200.0, University Staff Policy 3-313, and University Handbook for Appointed Personnel Policy 8.01.01. When business needs dictate, your supervisor can require you to use some or all accumulated vacation prior to your separation date.

Upon receiving notification of employment ending, RIIES will send an email to the employee with an invitation to complete an Exit Survey.  Alternatively, if an employee would like to have an in-person exit interview RIIES will schedule a zoom meeting.  We believe this information is of vital importance and will assist in analyzing factors contributing to turnover and providing data for improving work and culture within Research, Innovation and Impact (RII).  Please contact to schedule an in-person exit interview.